Sunday, March 22, 2015

Planning a Healthy Life (Part 1) - Exercises

Hello friends !!!.

Having a good health is  a very important aspect of life and will impact in what you do, your confidence and your charisma. 

If you are already in in mid 20's , this is a crucial time where you can make an impact in your health and change it surprisingly so as to make a lifestyle shift that focuses on a healthy body. For others, it is a good way to have a control in your lifestyle.

In today's world, a majority of the problems are because of the lifestyle that we are adopting to which is leading to so many diseases like Diabetes, overweight and many others. This is a big cause of concern. Just improving on the lifestyle we can improve our longevity, be less dependent on medicines and pills have a healthy mind and healthy body. Otherwise, you might remember some day that over the years your body is becoming fatter.

So, how about we begin with something today.

I would like to focus on 3 things:
1. Having a regular regime of exercises,
2. Having a good diet.
3. Have a goal.
In this post I want to focus on exercises alone.

1. Regular exercise
People who are most impacted by the lifestyle issues are those who are in a desk job, devoid on any physical exercise. Even though the food they eat is the same as a physical worker, the energy that is utilized is far low. This results in all the energy being converted into fat.

So what do we need to do? Simple, just give 30 minutes to daily exercises and it would have miracles. However, it is important that you do not get bored by doing those exercises since that happens a lot with people and they stop the exercises within a week itself

Tip/Caution: I would request everyone to give your health 1st priority and your work 2nd. Do not make excuses of your work to skip your health.

How to have an exercise/activity that you are not bored with?
Well, in this case you should pick up 1 or 2 sports and shuffle between then depending on the time you have. So, on weekends, it could be a high energy game just for enjoyment, whereas on weekdays it could be a small gym routine along with a sport or an activity. Swimming could be one such activity and running/cycling could be another. It would be an achievement if you change your daily mode of transport to cycling.

Gymming is important even if it is done for a short period. you can focus on gymming for the right areas that you want to focus on. Gymming can be done indoors as well from the set of exercises that are available. Apart from hitting the gym you can also make an impact by doing some desk exercises while working on your desks as well. We will talk of both the things below:

a) Desk Exercises: Here we will cove some of the techniques to imrove our posture at work and relax during work.
i) Releasing Stiffness: Rotate backwards with your entire spine while standing up. 5 reps each side.

ii) Healthy tone in upper body muscles (chest shoulder triceps): through desk push-ups.
Use the desk to bend your body at an incline with the body weight on your toes.
Bring your chest close to your hands and push yourselves off. 12 to 15 reps.

iii) Strengthening triceps: Keep your hands wider than your hips on the table. Step forward and lower your hips while bending your knees. Maintain elbows parallel to each other and lift yourself. 10 reps.

iv) Strengthen Front thigh: While sitting, lift 1 foot up and hold it for a few seconds. Slowly release that foot in a controlled manner, Repeat it with the other leg then with both legs.
Lets move on to some of the specifics of exercising right, guides that have come from some the people who have achieved,

b) Workout inspiring story (Fat to Fit):
i) Never ignore warm-up exercises before gym. it can be anything - cycling, treadmill, cross-trainer, push-ups etc. This helps in strengthening the body, improving stamina and leads to more fat burning capabilities. Adding 5 to 10 mins of cardio will have good results.

ii) Squats; Helps get a flatter abdomen and strengthens lower back. Increases joint flexibility and tone the legs. 2-3 sets and 8-10 reps in a set.

Apart from that, here is a list of exercises based on the body part and difficulty. You can have your own pick.

Periodic Table of bodyweight exercises Speed Jacks High Knee Running in Place Switch Kicks Ski Jumpers Frog Lunge Tuck Jumps Mountain Climbers Sky Kicks Quad Hop Switch Backs Crunches Flutter Kicks Bicycles Planks Hanging Kicks Sliding Plank Plank Reach Cross Planks Shoulder Bridge Side Plank Bear Hug Crunches Vertical Crunch Scorpions Body Rocks Ab Flex Side Raises Variation Scissor Kicks Spiderman Planks Mason Twists Plank Crawls Extended Planks Crunchy Frogs Circle Kicks Brock Shuffle Reverse Crunches Squats Wall Sits Jack Squats Twisting Squat Jumps Twisting Lunges Chair Poses Squat Jumps Reverse Leg Lifts Lunges Single Leg Deadlifts One Legged Triple Jumps Single Leg Squats Flamingo Squats Kick Your Butt Calf Raises Clock Lunges Scissor Squats Supermans Push Ups (On Your Knees) Push Ups Wide Arm Push Ups Push Ups with a Clap Jump Back Push Ups Chest Taps Dragon Walks Wide Arm Push Ups (On Your Knees) Chest Press Hindu Push Ups Jumping Jack Push Ups Wide Arm Push Ups (Twist Up) Strongman Flex Diamond Push Ups (On Your Knees) Tricep Dips Diamond Push Ups Pike Ups Pike Push Ups Shoulder Annialators Tricep Extension Push Ups Springing Tripods Single Leg Tuck Jump Burpees Knee Slap Push Ups Muay Thai Push Ups Aztec Push Ups Crucifex Push Ups One Arm One Leg Push Ups Superman Push Ups L Seats Frozen V Sits 360 Degree Push-Ups